all postcodes in SN4 / MALMESBURY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN4 9AA 6 1 51.537987 -1.78714
SN4 9AB 10 0 51.537121 -1.7855
SN4 9AD 11 0 51.53525 -1.785091
SN4 9AE 13 0 51.535135 -1.786043
SN4 9AF 27 0 51.533919 -1.784809
SN4 9AG 52 0 51.533758 -1.785271
SN4 9AH 20 0 51.52948 -1.786314
SN4 9AJ 21 0 51.52783 -1.789119
SN4 9AL 14 1 51.527192 -1.789511
SN4 9AN 12 0 51.526598 -1.788937
SN4 9AP 35 0 51.526362 -1.792657
SN4 9AQ 3 2 51.529909 -1.785231
SN4 9AR 33 0 51.525902 -1.791765
SN4 9AS 40 0 51.524907 -1.793586
SN4 9AT 41 0 51.52531 -1.79282
SN4 9AU 7 0 51.524848 -1.795864
SN4 9AW 32 0 51.526736 -1.790637
SN4 9AX 14 1 51.525594 -1.795889
SN4 9AY 5 0 51.526133 -1.795411
SN4 9AZ 33 0 51.526695 -1.79303